Thursday, April 29, 2010

today is my graduation day decider

so i got in my mail from ccny that i will be graduating w/ honors in summa cum laude w/e that means...and then i get another letter from the school that my graduation application is put on hold since i haven't done my core and major check w/ my advisors (my bad),but it didn't say that i didn't take my speech does that mean i'm exempt from the exam? i wish! but i prepared a speech for tomorrow anyways, and will see my advisors before my speech exam to see if i can get an exception lols and my last minute ways...i dun think college has ever improved on my priority or time-management skills; heck, it mite have gotten worse considering the time i'm blogging about this.

but this blogging may actually help me since a few nite ago, i went to bed a little before 2:30 am (which is kinda rare this semester), but couldn't sleep. i could only toss and turn, and i felt SUFFOCATED even tho my blanket was pulled down to my arms. i thought i was maybe having a panic attack or being over-stressed, but yeah, i wanna relax now and get these things done and over with since nothing will really matter after tomorrow, i think?

1 comment:

  1. congrats on summa cum laudeee :D thats the highest honor haha here at stony is means you have a gpa above 3.85 :D
