Friday, June 18, 2010


What to do? What to do? What to do?

I was walking to lab in the morning, but late in the morning as usual, and then I look to my right and I see him walking just past me in the opposite direction. I'm not sure if he saw me, but I definitely saw him! I don't know if the heavens are playing tricks w/ my heart, but yea, I almost lost my breath. I kept looking back at him as he walked away, and then I suddenly decided to lower my pride a little and turn my stalker mode on lols I've never done such a thing before! I stayed several yards away from him and followed him into one of the school buildings. I thought it would be big trouble if he went to the elevator and he did. So I went to the stairs and since he's a Chem. Engr. major, most of them go to the 3rd floor. But I had to climb like 2 extra floors since there's an extra level betw. the 1st and 2nd fl and the 2nd and 3rd fl >.< and Thank god those elevators are slow cuz I got up there just when I heard the elevator go "ding!" and out he came. He saw me come out of the stairs tho. I must have really gone crazy by now.

I walked in the same direction as him, but I was ahead of him this time so I had to pretend like I was looking for a room number in the hallway. When I turned a corner, he was no longer walking anymore, so all I could do was continue walking until I end up at the elevators again. But I decided to walk into the hallway again, and I kept peeking ahead to see if he was still there, and he was just walking back to the elevators. OMG major awkward! And I circled around the hallway again and ended up at the elevators again. By now, I decided to not follow him anymore and get back to lab cuz I suddenly felt so embarrassed if he knew what was going on. I don't know why he came back to school in the summer, but what was this? coincidence? I had mostly forgotten about him, but now a new fire as sparked inside me. I just wished I had remembered to say something to him cuz I was so focused on not getting caught as a stalker. Then i remembered to breathe.

Life can be so WONDER-ful sometimes...

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