Friday, July 9, 2010

Last Day

So today was my last day at my research lab. That thought was hanging over my head the entire day and made me think about all the good and bad times i went thru there and how much fun i had w/ the ppl i met on the same floor as me. So I stayed by my mentor's side and helped him w/ what I could until I had to leave...I've been in the lab for about a year and half now and I still mess up things, but thankfully, my mentor is patient hahas but i still feel super embarrassed every time. So as I said good bye to ppl and my mentor, everything got awkward and the atmosphere became uncomfortable....damn, i hate good byes =\

Going to China next week...I'm really excited about going to Hong Kong, but not China cuz of the mosquito bites...for some reason, yesterday, i just felt my skin crawl at the thought of getting mosquito bites there cuz i get them bad....really bad, it's like the ones in Guangzhou are 50 times more poisonous there than the ones here....I think i'll be getting more and more scared and paranoid about this as next Wed. approaches >.<

i gotta stop eating chocolate, i'm like eating 1 or 2 Dove's dark chocolate pieces everyday, but i love reading their msgs...

1 comment:

  1. just remember to buy bug repellent ><''
    and dove choco is so yums, i love the... brown one~
