Today was my road test. I had a lesson before I took the test and during the lesson, I felt that I would do bad on the parking since it wasn't really my forte. So the inspector came, but I was calm cuz looking nervous is a big no-no. I felt confident during the entire test, except the parking cuz I bumped on the really hard but I did do a fix for it...i think. But anyways, when the test ended, she told me "You need to work more on your steering and parking, and then you can retake the test." And I said, "Retake the test?". "Yes", she said. and my heart just sank T_T
the other girl taking the test after me passed ::sigh:: hurray for her. I looked at my road test results and saw that I had 60 points taken off when 30 pts was the max to pass. I got points taken off for poor judgment approaching or at intersections, turning too widely for both left and right, failure to adequately observe/use caution, excessive maneuvers in parking, poor engine control/acceleration, and poor steering control. I can understand the parking part, but I had no idea I was doing so badly on the other parts. I really thought I did a good job. It just came as a complete shock. The entire trip back to the auto school was depressing. I'm not even sure if I want to continue going back to that school, but I had so much lessons on that car, I don't really have a choice after scaring my cousin away from helping me anymore. I guess I'm just going to have to take another lesson or two, and retake the road test. But I'm not sure about the road test location though.
So I FAILED. I was really hoping to pass on my first try.
Later that day, I joined my lil sis for yoga. She's been going to a place in St. Mark's known as Yoga to the People. They provide free sessions for 1 hr every day of the week. I bought my $20 mat from BB&B or else I had to rent a mat for $2 from the place. It was located right next to a korean resto that I had gone to before (and which I nvr noticed the yoga place before).
We were buzzed thru the door and walked several flights of stairs up, and there was a musty-like smell. We took off our shoes before walking into the studio and I thought there were a lot of ppl there already. But my lil sis told me that today actually had a lot less ppl b/c there were times when the mats were only an inch apart from the neighbors while there was almost 6 inches of space today. She thinks it's cuz the ppl rather enjoy the nice weather we got today. But it's still good to arrive 10-15 mins early since they close the door at the dot. The lights were a bit on the amber side and it was stuffy. It didn't help either that it reached like 70 degrees outside. The windows were closed shut when I wanted them open, but my lil sis said the hotter it is, the better cuz the heat promoted sweating better. But this place was stuffy like a sauna, and I was breaking a sweat even before I sat down on my new lite blue mat. I laid down my mat next to my lil sis and started stretching a lil bit and chit-chatting with my lil sis's friend who was also there as well. I noticed that there were a lot of girls, but some guys as well, and 95% of the attendees were like betw 20-30 yrs old since this is near NYU.
So the session began at 6pm. I didn't know what to expect except to sweat a lot, and boy did I sweat loads. Holding the poses was the hardest part and that made me sweat the most. I took yoga in HS and nvr had such a workout as I did here. My palms became sweaty and sweat was just sliding down the side of my face and meeting at my chin as droplets, but it felt GOOD. I heard other ppl making hisses, aahhs, and other noises as they breathed. It felt GREAT cuz I was having a crappy day from my failed road test and I was channeling all my energy to not let the setback affect me, and it worked.
The instructor would walk around and give out directions, but I mostly tried to follow my lil sis since I wasn't familiar with all the poses' names. And there was a female TA there to help out as well. Near the end, the lights got dimmer and I can tell that we were doing poses that were meant to cool us off cuz I didn't even need my towel to wipe myself, but I will next time cuz I see a pimple developing on my forehead as I am typing this.
At the final stage, the light was turned off except for the natural light from the sunset, and we lay down listening to this Tibetan Singing Bowl. Of course she was playing it from her ipod but this was a special sort of meditation music. It sounded like something striking a metal bowl and then using the striker to run around the rim of the bowl. This made a strange effect to my ears and mind, almost as if it was trying to buzz out my thoughts b/c it was really loud, but at the same time, relaxing. It kinda sounded like what the Tibetan monks would play with that swiveling thing they usually carry around in the movies. It made me feel like I was floating. [My lil sis would later tell me after the session that she was distracted by some girl next to her who had gotten up during the Tibetan singing bowl part to go the bathroom, and the bathroom door had slammed behind her as well. She later overheard the instructor telling the girl to go to the bathroom after the session is over since she disturbed the music vibrations. I, on the other hand, didn't hear any of this lols cuz I was that concentrated on the music.]
After the buzzing faded, I remained in my position for a lil while longer before getting up to change. There was no more sweat on me, but my pony tail felt a lil sticky. As I left, it felt a lil bit awkward with the instructor at the door with her box of donations. But she greeted everybody out and I said thank yous and that was it. And I am sooooo coming back here again.
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