Today is my 22nd bday and since there are a few mins before it ends, I wanted to blog about today even tho nothing particularly spectacular happened.
I was calling up my h.s. friends the night before to maybe plan a hangout for tonite, but not all of them could show up on my bday night, so had to reschedule another day. It was a downer, but i'm ok w/ it as long as we're all there. Even one person not there irks me and keeps me worried.
So I slept not feeling that excited about turning 22 since I like being 21. For some reason, i feel like my twenties will be passing by me the fastest and I don't want that to happen. It was just a dreading feeling.
Since I sleep late, I tend to pass that REM phase of sleep of dreaming, and last nite, i slept at around 2:30 a.m looking up hairstyles cuz I want to cut my hair before I head to china, but i'm sooooo picky about what my new hairstyle should be...sigh...still haven't found a good one that would suit my round face, and i don't want a bob again either...
But this morning, I woke up from a really weird dream. It started out romantic, and then got really weird. And my lil korean boy from school that i've had a crush on (and maybe obsessing judging from my old posts) was IN it. Even my ex-bf has never been in my dreams before. And I still remember it so clearly too....He came to me, and held my hand and said he liked me too and read my fb msg (even tho he wasn't my fb friend yet). I looked completely taken aback and all of a sudden, I realize that he was confessing in my house with no body in it except us two. And then i hear keys opening a door from the outside and I freak cuz it was my parents coming home. I push him inside my parents' room w/ the lights kept off. My dad goes into the room to sleep, but he never turns on the light. Then i creep back into the room to look for my crush and tell him to hurry up and leave, but he doesn't want to. This wakes up my dad and he starts to ask questions as to why this strange boy is in the room. At that moment when I was in complete loss, I wake up. And the first thing I thought to myself was that I should friend this boy on fb cuz nothing felt more right to do than this at the moment.
It took me 3 mins to write a short friend request msg, but 20 mins to finally hit the SEND button. But I did it, and w/e happens or w/e he thinks of me, well, Oh wells then.
I get to school, late as usual, and go to GRE prep for my 3hr express class. After class, I go to lab and eat my lunch. And then my friend from another lab on the same floor surprised me w/ an icecream cake! I had a feeling already that something was going on since she kept telling me to finish my lunch. Ommo, I was so touched! I love this girl so much! I check fb and saw that my crush had accepted the friend request and that made me extra happy lols I don't know why I do these pointless things and why they make me so happy since I seem to be in a one-sided crush, but as long as it makes me happy, it makes every problem that happens around me to be quite manageable cuz I'm already feeling positive. And when I got home, my dad got me a cake too. lols The night ended w/ a nice family dinner w/ everyone around the table =D